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neděle 7. dubna 2013

World problems

Už jsem dlouho nic nepřidala a ve statistikách vidím, že se to lidem docela hodí. Dávat sem takový ty otázky jako: New York, Australia, prostě tyhle zeměpisný věci mi přijde... tak nějak zbytečný, tam je jasný, o čem máte mluvit, u Environment a např tohohle to tak jasný není, nebo prostě... hodí se inspirace. A u Health taky, ale k tomu jsem se ještě nedokopala. A otázky z frj sem dávat nebudu, páč v těch je takovejch chyb... ne že bych o nich věděla, ale občas mi je učitelka opravuje a to už je pak nejde přehlídnout :D.
PS: Trochu jsem to odflákla, ale v podstatě to dává smysl. Akorát mám hroznej problém s tím, že nacpu myšlenky na 3 odstavce do jedný věty. A pak se divím, že už nemám o čem psát :D.

There are big differences between people. We say that the north is more developed than the south. Maybe it's because of the climate, but what we know for sure is that these states have many serious problems for example with poverty. The state doesn't have money to built high-quality educational system, so the people are illiterate, so no one is going to employ them, so they earn money in illegal way and so on. When there are educated people, they go away because they have no reason to stay, the salary is poor and so are the working conditions. There are about 40 children on one teacher in Africa, in Great Britain it's only 15 children. Because the state is poor, usually in debt, there does not exist a good health care system, which leads to terminal diseases amongst people like AIDS. There are many infected people in middle Africa and south-east Asia. These problems try to solve organizations like WHO or UNAIDS.
Because of need of money parents usually send their children to work, despite they are too young. In some countries this help is welcomed by employers, because they don't have to pay them much. This is quite typical for Brazil, where lots of children live on the street. They have no future and they often commit crimes to survive.
When we look at the situation in Muslim countries, we should be worried. These states are often accused of not granting rights to women and there are a lot of disputes based on religion. Muslims can be really intolerant toward other religions and that leads to terroristic attacks and wars. For example the September 2001 when twin skyscrapers were blown up in the USA.  Talking about wars, we mustn't forget about Israeli-Palestinian conflict which still remains. Arabian and Israelis fight for their territory. The social situation is very bad. Innocent people get hurt, starve and live in fear. There were some attempts to make peace, but it had never lasted for too long.
The Czech Republic has its problems too, but on a smaller level. The biggest one is unemployment, I suppose. The state reduced mining so many people lost their job. Also business companies need to save some money so they fire their employees. We might have a good health care system, but we are becoming lazier and lazier and we eat unhealthy so we put on weight. Obesity affects not just adults but children too. They spend most of the time in front of the computer instead of going outside. We have also difficulty with prejudice against the Roma population and people from Eastern European countries. The discrimination is a never-ending issue not only in our country.

1 komentář:

  1. Ježiši, já jsem v Angličtině tak hrozná :/ Jen pár řádků jsem ztracená :D
