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středa 13. března 2013

Get some rest

Screw it all
roof won't fall
on my head,
I'll be gazing at the ceiling dead.
- Don't even try to find any sense in this crap :D Ohh, I held on the... no, no, no, too complicated. Even in Czech :D.
I listened to this music and after two songs I realized I had heard the voice before. It's the singer from FM Static (their song Take me as I am appeared in the last chapter of DZ - začátečnící). If you don't like it immediately, give it another shot. I didn't really like it first, I was like "Hm, fine. What's next?" but then I fell in love with it. Can't tell which one is the best so... figure it out for yourselves :).
And don't complain or I start to write in French and... man, even those who does speak French won't understand, be sure as hell of that :D:D. Fňuk, mais Je dois préparer mon discours de la mode à demain... Pourquoi je veux étudier ça?!
Už mlčím :(:D

16 komentářů:

  1. No... Rozumiem len poslednému riadku. :D No comment. :D

  2. That first song is soooooo beautiful. Music and lyrics.
    Second too.
    Thanks for good songs :)
    I still remember how I felt in love with "Take Me As I Am"... I couldn't get that song from my head for a week or two, I think :D
    I would like to know French, it would be pretty awesome.
    Nah, I wrote my Monitor, now just chemistry-olympiad :( :D I'm starting to be scared and stressing myself more than from Monitor :/ :D

    1. What can I say... I WISH YOU WELL with Monitor (hope it means what I think it means... too lazy to look for it :D).
      Glad you like it. I love introducing unknown bands to the world :).
      Well, I'd like that too, but I'm stuck at a really low level and can't get any higher :/. If only my French was like my English... it would save me a lot of time and nerves and mainly patient.
      Wait... Are you done with Monitor or was it just a... emm... not-official one that you wrote? :D I'm getting a little... lost (sorry, can't find the words) in your exams and olympiads. I mean there are so many of them :D.

    2. Oh, thank you! :D
      So, I wrote Monitor today. Looks like I have 100% from math (I checked it with friends and our director who counted it in 10 mins - we had 70 mins for it :D) and unofficial results I'll get tomorrow (from Slovak, in school are copies of what we wrote so our Slovak teacher can check it and tell us, we'll get official results in two weeks) :) I hope so much I got it over 90% 'cause I don't want to do entrance exams for high school. I don't want to do them so much!
      I have chemistry-olympiad on Friday and then higher (krajské :D) round of math olympiad on next Thursday :D
      Hope you understand my "I'm-writing-how-I-feel-it-can-be" English :D

    3. Oh, I'm okay with your English, I told you it's pretty good ;).
      Fíííha (I'm not going to write my "zvukové projevy" in English :D), you really are awesome! Congratulations :). I believe it doesn't just "look like". And I understand. I still think I might not got at my school if I had had to do entrance exams (the "times" will kill me one day! :D). But it's not your case, you wold get in either way :).
      Olympiads are not so important, so don't worry about them ;).

    4. Yay, thanks! :D
      I know it's not that important, but you know me for a little longer while :D I want to win it, like always, but I just hadn't time for studying because of Monitor, so... we'll see :)
      But I'm gonna hope for the best :D
      Totally normal to talk in English on with Slovak girl on Czech blog... :D :D :D But I pretty like it, I'm not even using translator, damn, I'm good! :D

    5. Nothing isn't abnormal (screw the rules of negation! :D). Ok, I really have to go... as much as I don't want to... bééééé :(.

    6. I'm doing old chemistry tests and tweeting and eating and damn I'm good :D I'd had much more time if I didn't spend few hours here... Bye :)

    7. I just want to get you know that teachers checked our Monitors and I have 100% from both! Still can't believe it! It's not official, but there is really low chance to official results to be different :)
      Just get over chemistry tomorrow :D

    8. SEŠ ÚÚÚŽASNÁÁ!!! Doufám, že ti vystavěj alespoň malej pomník! Může se stavět pomník někomu, kdo ještě žije? Jestli ne, tak odteďka by měl :D. Vážně moc gratuluju, fíha, 100%... toho jsem nikdy v ničem nedosáhla. Ani neznám nikoho jinýho, kdo jo :D. Když seš takhle pozitivně naladěná, tak chemča nebude problém :). A pardon, ale psát něco takovýho v aj se mi nechtělo :D.
      Když už jsme u těch úspěchů, náš flétnovej soubor skutečně postoupil. 18. 4. jedem do Liberce do ústředního :/. Škoda, že tenhle úspěch mně nepřináší nic moc dobrýho, jen další zameškaný hodiny a stres :D.

    9. Ďakujem :D :)
      V škole sme dve, ktoré dali sto a sto, ja a Lenka (možno ju poznáš z môjho blogu)... A ešte spolužiak dal 100 z matematiky a 96% zo slovenčiny :) Čiže nemusím robiť príjmačky a dostanem knihu, yay! :D
      Hej, gratulujem k tomu, ja som vedela na flaute zahrať jednu jednoduchú pesničku, ale flautu som nikdy veľmi rada nemala, radšej klavír a gitara (ako, počúvať myslím :D) :D
      No, takže, prajeme si navzájom veľa šťastia! :D

    10. Som lenivá napísať článok teraz, ale tak keď už som ti tak povedal o Monitore: vyhrala som chemickú olympiádu! 98 bodov zo 100! Druhé miesto malo 97 bodov, čiže dosť o chlp. Nemôžem tomu uveriť. A to som si myslela, že som to kus zbabrala. Wooooaaaaah :D

    11. Mně už to ani nepřekvapuje :D. Ale každopádně gratulace. Takovejch bodů... fíha, vážně dost dobrý :). Očividně neumíš zbrabrávat. Alespoň něco neumíš :P :D.
      Pche, takhle zanedbávat vlastní blog, styď se! :D

    12. Stydím se!
      Vďaka :D :)
      Ale riadne som sa bála, stresovala som strašne lebo som sa dostatočne nepripravovala a skoro som spadla zo stoličky keď som sa to dozvedela :D
