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čtvrtek 7. června 2012

3 x referát na anglickou knihu

Kdyby někomu připadalo, že to sem dávám úplně zbytečně, ráda se s ním budu hádat :). Díky statistikám blogu vím, že mě pár lidí našlo přes slova typu Fejeton slohová práce nebo Úvaha jablko nepadá daleko od stromu. Myslím si, že i jeden Environment tady byl, ale tím si nejsem jistá. Takže pro ty, kteří nestojí o mé povídky, je to přínosné, a mám z toho radost, protože přesně v to jsem doufala :).
V textu pod perexem jsou už jen referáty a poznámky k nim.

  • První referát je z prváku. Předpřipravila jsem si ho doma, ale z papíru jsem ho opsat nemohla. No, tu ve škole psanou verzi už nemám, ale tohle jsem neztratila :D
Následující text obsahuje rozuzlení příběhu a taky dost možná gramatické chyby!
Ale dostala jsem jedničku :P

The Devil and Miss Prym
by Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1947. He attended a Jesuit school which he hated, nevertheless, he has found there his obsession with writing. Unfortunately, his parents didn´t support him in it. They wanted their son to be an engineer so they have committed him to a mental institution for 3 times altogether. After that he began study at a law school but he didn´t finish it. He worked as an actor, journalist, songwriter and theater director until he turned into a successful and favorite author. His another works are The Alchemist, Veronica Decides to Die or The Fifth Mountain.

One day a stranger comes to Viscoc, a small village with rounded up 200 inhabitants and he is accompanied by the Devil. Old Berta had been already waiting for him. She has been sitting outside her front door for all the time as her dead husband told her. He speaks to her really often and that´s why everybody thinks she is a witch. The stranger buries 11 bars of gold in the wood and then shows them to a young beautiful barmaid called Chantal Prym. He offers her a deal. If she steals one of the bars he won´t call the police, he just let her go, but also, she has to tell the villagers about the treasure which will belong to them, if they are able to commit a murder in a week. This way he wants to find an answer for the question: Are we Good or Evil? After that the stranger stays at the hotel and he begins to make friends with the regulars. Chantal is stuck in a struggle between her good and evil side. She has decided not to tell the villagers about the deal, because she thinks that They aren´t brave enough to kill somebody. 3 days later the stranger asks her to meet him in private. He is angry that she didn't tell them yet, so he informs her of the fact, he will do it himself if she won´t. Next day Chantal finally tells them about what the stranger wants them to do. Later on, Chantal persuades the stranger to hand over the gold to regulars, even if they refuse to kill somebody. The goodness should be rewarded so whatever the inhabitants will do they will get the treasure. After a couple of days people decides to choose a victim, which will save the future of village. It was Berta, in the end, who should die. Her husband told her to run away, but she was too old and weak so for to save her life he brings a dream to Chantal, in which he explains her how to sort out this situation. The last night of the week Miss Prym makes a speech about how it will be suspicious when they suddenly appear with such a great wealth, and that she wants nothing to do with it. By this she puts everybody in doubt and they start to capitulate, one by one. As a price for her courage she takes all of the bars and gives the stranger the answer, that each of us has a devil and an angel, it´s only a question of our self-control and choice.
Miss Prym: A young woman incapable of move on in her life even thought she isn't happy. The Devil gives her courage and she turns into a new person, which is brave, headstrong and intransigent.
  • Další referát jsem psala z fleku letos ve třeťáku. Doma jsem si akorát přečetla něco o autorovi a tím jsem končila. Zvláštní je, že jsem měla mnohem míň chyb :D. A to ještě ty chyby byly v tom, že jsem napsala třeba ecapes místo escapes. pak dva členy, jedno vynechaný "s" ve třetí osobě jo a ještě inteligent místo intelligent a to bylo asi všechno, takže vysloveně jenom písmenkaření. Jestli to přijde někomu jako kupa chyb, prosím, pro mě je to téměř nadlidský výkon :D.
Následující text obsahuje rozuzlení příběhu a NEMĚLY BY V NĚM BÝT GRAMATICKÉ CHYBY!
Je to přepsaná učitelkou opravená verze mojí práce a ta učitelka vám podtrhne každou kravinu, takže bych se divila, kdyby něco vynechala :)

by Stephen King

Biography: Stephen King is a popular American author of horrors who has published almost 50 novels. He was raised without father who left the family when Stephen was 2 years old. He graduated at the University of Maine with a Bachelor of Art in English. Some of his books were published under his pseudonym Richard Bachman. He had problems with drugs and alcohol, but he quit it. His most famous book is The Green mile, which was adapted into a screenplay. Another books: The Dark Tower series, Misery, Full dark, no stars. He lives in America with his first wife and teaches at University.

Storyline: Desperation is a small town in Nevada. It’s not a pleasant place to live and even worse to die for. There is only one cop who always has a reason to take you to prison or kill you. A group of survivors from different countries escapes from him and discovers that there is nobody alive. The cop goes after them but soon he dies. There was devil in him who needs a human body to be in. God helps the group to run away but the freedom takes its price - human’s lives. They also have to bury the devil, Tak, in mine where he came from. After all deaths and animal attacks they are finally free.
The book was inspirited by a (true) story about Chinese labourers who had been trapped into a collapse mine and abandoned to their fate.
There is a little boy in this story. He is a believer and talks to God. He doesn’t act like a normal child. He is strong and brave, he can handle everything. He leads the group and makes God’s will. He is angry that God let die all his family members but he still loves him and serves him. He is calm and intelligent and selfless.  

The Hound of the Baskervilles

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930): He was a Scottish physician (= doctor) and writer. He studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh and was employed as a ship’s surgeon during a voyage to the West African coast. When he came back he began to be interested in literature. He was a keen cricketer and golfer (he even joined some clubs). He twice stood for Parliament (as a Liberal Unionist) but although he received a respectable vote, he was not elected. He was married twice and had 5 children. He died of a heart attack at the age of 71. His other works include fantasy and science fiction stories, plays, poetry, non-fiction, and historical novels. Some examples: His Last Bow, Valley of Fear (Sherlock Holmes’s stories), White Company (historical novel), The Lost World (sci-fi, dinosaurs - Jurassic Park)

Storyline: Since Hugo Baskerville, wicked aristocrat from 17th century, the family has been haunted by demonic hound to punish them all for Hugo’s sins. One night old sir Charles Baskerville, superstitious bachelor in fading health, dies from heart attack in his garden with paw-prints by his corpse. Dr. Mortimer, who studied the body, asks Sherlock Holmes for help. Meanwhile, Sir Henry Baskerville is coming back from Africa. As the last heir of the family he is in danger so Sherlock’s assistant, Dr. Watson, looks after him. Holmes secretly stays at moors and watches the situation. After few days he meets Watson and tells him that the killer is Henry’s neighbor, Mr. Stapleton, who’s actually long-lost relative of Sir Henry's and money-hungry criminal. He wants to kill Sir Henry so that he can inherit his wealth. Accidentally, he sends the hound after Selden, who is running from police and is dressed in Henry’s clothes. Sherlock and Dr. Watson let Sir Henry go to moors and hide behind stones with guns to shot the dog. They succeed and go get Mr. Stapleton, but they are too late, the only thing that remained of him is his shoe, he drowned in marsh. The case is closed and Sherlock with Watson come back to London.

Sherlock Holmes: a private detective, mostly seen with a pipe in his mouth, he is reasonable, hard working, interested in art, he can “read from details”, but he’s also malicious, he’s pleased when he’s right and Watson wrong, he’s ambitious and self-confident.
Dr. Watson: Sherlock’s loyal friend, he’s caring, discreet, sometimes suspicious, but he can be really kind and nice to others, he stays calm in every situation.

My opinion: After this book I’m going to remember the word “moor” forever.

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